A day in London

 Pounds Sterling (GBP)

 0  |   14  |   0  |   6.80  |   0  |   0

 Groceries for dinner£14£14

Beef eaters…

Breakfast: just toast and peanut butter. So it’s free.

1230 Left host. Catch a bus and then take the tube.

1330 Visit the Science Museum
Free admission.

1540 Visit the Natural History Museum
Free admission.

1750 Head back to host, via Underground and bus.

Oyster card day cap is £6.80£6.80

1830 Bought ingredients at Lidl for a dinner of 4. It’s a shared dinner, another guest bought 4 pieces of beef.

Tomatoes, wine, and two slices of beef.

Total spent: £20.80£20.80

Travel style...

 water =tap water
 food =supermarket, home cooked meal, free toast
 treats =none
 transport =public transport, bus, Underground, walking
 activities =free admission museum visits
 accom. =free, Couchsurfing host

A day in... by